Jawbreaker is a large animal that is similar to the rhinoceros but is less heavily armoured around its body.
It can be found in some open plain areas such as grassy fields or in the savannah but can sometimes types of jawbreakers can be seen in some forests. It is usually very intimidating, at first sight.
It has a very peculiar movement, because it's legs are far apart but come closer from its feet to make it look more intimidating, it walks and runs in an unusual way.
A gentle ocean dweller that swims in the deep waters. It lives underwater in depths of under 300metres or more.
It's back has a hard back of boney plates that protect itself from predators.
It's can be found in craters under water or underwater dead volcanoes.
It is a gentle creature that only feeds on fish and any other small creatures in the ocean.
Is an insect that always needs to eat continuously throughout the day. It perceives to be a large caterpillar or some sort. It is an omnivore but will only restrict itself to green foliage and small animals.
It can be found in large rainforests on both the ground and in the canopy.